Concurso da Gastronomia Macaense

Calling for culinary talents for “MGM Macanese Cuisine Culinary Contest”

廚神招募!立即上 報名參加「美高梅土生葡菜廚藝比賽」,贏取廚神寶座、澳門幣10,000元現金獎、免費住宿及餐飲禮券等豐厚獎品! 報名日期現延長至2022年1月20日, 熱愛美食和烹飪的您, 立即報名直接進入選拔賽與其他本地達人同場獻技, 與我們一同傳遞本地獨有的「澳門味道」, 攜手傳承土生葡菜此項非物質文化遺產吧! Calling for culinary talents! Sign up now at for “MGM Macanese Cuisine Culinary Contest”, compete with rivals on the spot to win up to MOP10,000 cash prize, hotel accommodation, dining vouchers and more. The registration period is now extended to January 20, 2022. For those of […]

Macanese Cuisine 【土生葡菜歷史小知識】澳門獨有嘅土生葡菜,已經成為咗澳門「創意城市美食之都」嘅特色。土生葡菜嘅歷史最早可以追溯到幾時?其中好獨特嘅「肥茶」,你又知唔知係咩嚟呢?一齊去片聽聽土生葡人美食聯誼會理事長歐嘉努先生介紹土生葡菜嘅「前世今生」。你都想一顯身手?即刻上 報名參加「美高梅土生葡菜廚藝比賽」,挑戰廚神寶座啦!Tips about Macanese CuisineMacau has its very own “Macanese Cuisine”, and it has also become the specialty of Macau, a Creative City of Gastronomy. Do you know how many years of history does Macanese Cuisine have? Among all, there is this unique “Chá Gordo”. Do you know what it is? Let’s hear […]

MGM Macanese Culinary Contest

傳承土生葡菜文化,發揚澳門「創意城市美食之都」魅力,美高梅攜手Macao Institute for Tourism Studies 澳門旅遊學院 合辦,與土生葡人美食聯誼會協辦的「美高梅土生葡菜廚藝比賽」現在開始招募本土廚神! 本次招募特設「公開組」和「親子組」兩個組別,開放給非現職廚師或非從事廚藝教學行業之澳門居民參賽。 「公開組」歡迎所有18歲以上人士報名。「親子組」接受1名父母攜同1名年齡介乎10至16歲的子女組隊參賽。 比賽招募期為12月1日至31日,初賽以短片形式選拔,成功晉身半決賽和總決賽可與其他達人同台展現廚藝。 土生葡菜作為國家級非物質文化遺產,不僅是澳門獨有的味道,也給無數遊客留下美好的城市印象。 此次美高梅聯手本地各界組織,尋找城中廚藝達人,也為「美食家庭」創造親子機會,讓年輕一代接觸土生葡菜創新,傳承非遺文化。 各位達人請來盡情發揮精湛廚藝,詳情請瀏覽: As a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy, Macau is flaunting its expertise in Macanese delicacies-a modern fusion of Portuguese and local Chinese dishes. To preserve such a culinary legacy, MGM is joining hands with Macao Institute for Tourism Studies and support, […]

Concurso da Gastronomia Macaense

Exmos. Senhores, Vimos por este meio solicitar a V. Exa. se digne mandar afixar e divulgar o cartaz em anexo, respeitante ao Concurso da Gastronomia Macaense, organizada pelo MGM, coorganizada pelo IFT e em colaboração com a Confraria da Gastronomia Macaense, cujo prazo de inscrição inicia a de 01/12 e termina em 31/12 do corrente […]

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